How much does CBD oil cost?
This is kind of like asking ‘how much does a car cost?’
Buying CBD online, cheap (and usually nasty) can be done for as little as $60 AUD. But you’re probably getting next to no CBD. Who knows what’s in there. Bad idea. I can also cost as much as $500 or more.
It’s important to remember there are many different consumption methods and many different types of CBD oil. How the plant was grown, how the CBD was extracted, the terpene profile (and much, much more) all contribute to the end product.
It’s also important you don’t focus on the size of the bottle. What you are looking at is Mg of CBD. Prices for a milligram of CBD range from .07c to nearly $1 across both the legal medical and green markets. If you’re paying nearly $1 on either side, you’re being ripped off.
To give you an example, I need roughly 20mg of CBD for a very mild effect. If I’m paying about 0.20c per mg of CBD which works out to be around $4 per required dose. Some people need less, some people need a lot more. It depends on you personally, and it depends on your conditions.
You can get similar pricing through the medical pathway. Though it generally tends to be more expensive and there are cheaper, high quality products on the green market.
You can generally assume a higher level of safety if you’re accessing CBD oil through a medical practitioner, because more is at stake (shareholders, licences etc). But it’s certainly not quality guaranteed as many informational sources would lead you to believe.
Is CBD oil legal in Australia?
After diving into the pros and cons of each of the options described above, it’s important we quickly clear up some confusion.
Medical CBD products are legal.
Recreational CBD products are still illegal.
Though things are changing, cannabis has been mostly withdrawn from UN’s dangerous drug register, and CBD has been down scheduled in Australia.
Hemp seed oil and CBD oil are NOT the same thing
Confusion arises because hemp seed oil (derived from hemp seeds, not to be confused with hemp or marijuana derived CBD oil) is legal and sold in Australia. Hemp seed oil, while incredibly healthy for you, contains little to none of the therapeutic benefits of medicinal cannabis.
Hemp seed oil (and many other hemp products) have an incredible range of health benefits. They’re great sources of omegas and fatty acids, but they don’t contain the same body and mind balancing effects of CBD.
You can purchase hemp products like hemp oil legally from supermarkets in Australia, or from local and overseas websites. The cost shouldn’t be that much greater than a high quality olive oil.
To learn more about hemp seed oil, the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) have posted about some misleading claims made by overseas companies here.
Many Australian businesses are selling CBD oil, but labelling it as ‘hemp oil’ to avoid legal repercussions. So hemp oil could be CBD in disguise. Or, more likely, hemp seed oil with a huge price hike.
What is CBD oil (Cannabidiol)?
If you’re now more confused about CBD oil than you were before reading this article, you’re not alone. It’s worth grasping a basic understanding of what CBD oil is along with the benefits.
CBD oil in a nutshell.
CBD is short for cannabidiol. Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the many active compounds found within the cannabis plant.
Countless studies are now highlighting the incredible medical benefits. Everything from pain treatment and chronic pain relief, anxiety, PTSD, depression, to epilepsy and seizure treatment.
Most of the CBD products on the market are extracted from the hemp variety of cannabis. Meaning they only contain tiny amounts of THC. This is largely due to the fact that hemp derived CBD is legal to sell in the US, and arguably less frowned upon in Australia.
If you’re working with a cannabinoid doctor, the CBD product may be derived from the marijuana variant of the plant. You will definitely have more transparency over the exact ratios. The amount of THC won’t necessarily lead to you having a psychoactive effect, but may be more beneficial from a medical and therapeutic standpoint.
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